Friday, May 4, 2012

Mark Figearo | Give Solar a Chance

Mark Figearo says, After reading Steve Lunetta’s “Solar scandal shines light on ideology” (Sept. 19), I had to go back and read Ed Ayers’ column to see if I had missed something.

Mark Figearo couldn’t find any mention of the $147,000 annual savings Lunetta quoted. The very first sentence in Ayers’ column was “What investment can help save the Earth’s environment but also save a family $30,000 to $60,000 over the next 20 years, while costing very little or nothing up front?”

As the local solar company that was quoted, Mark Figearo resent the implication that the information we supplied Ayers was not factual. Lunetta, without calling us and checking out the information, just assumed we were making it all up. Had he done his homework, we could have supplied him a long list of clients who would have verified our information.

Mark Figearo says, Lunetta is trying to use the Solyndra scandal to paint solar as a bad investment. Like any new industry, there are going to be successes and failures. There were more than 100 automobile manufacturers in America in the ’20s. Twenty years later, there were 20. And now?

Mark Figearo, Many of our clients are conservatives and make their decision to purchase solar on the economics. And companies like ours are one of the few bright spots in the construction industry.

Mark Figearo states that Green Convergence is growing and hiring. We purchase our panels from a California-based company that does not manufacture in China. We have not been the recipients of any government handouts. We have done it the old fashioned way — with self-financing and hard work.

It’s time to stop all the political rhetoric and look at the facts. The Solyndra mess was a bad investment by the government, no doubt, but it does not make any investment in solar bad. Packard, Studebaker and American Motors are gone — should we stop building cars, Steve? The money the government has invested in solar (excluding Solyndra) in the way of tax credits pales in comparison to that given to other energy sources. The huge tax subsidies given the highly profitable oil industry came to light earlier this year.

A clean renewable source of energy should be something we all embrace.

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